Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Playing catch up

This has been such a busy couple of weeks. Between shoots I have been taking care of my poor broken child (sprained ankle with lots of drama), my mom had surgery, and substitute teaching. Yep, I'm tired. I shot two seniors and a little dancer.

My first of the three is Ms Keely. She was so much fun. She is so beautiful, I was hard pressed to find a shot I didn't like. She will be an awesome teacher one day.

My second is Ms D. I have photographed her before. I have known this sweetheart since she was born. I was cracking up the entire session. Ms D is hilarious. She is a dancer and was simply beautiful in each outfit.

Last but certainly not least is Ms Karmen. We talked so much that the time just flew by. I hope she gets back into photography. She loves nature. She gave me a hard time about not liking "nature" photography. I have a feeling she has a great eye for it. We laughed quite a lot.