I had the honor of meeting a beautiful little boy today who is truly a miracle. His name is Alex. He was born January 11 weighing 1 lb 14.6 oz. He is quite the little fighter. Alex was born 12 week early. He has grown so much in a few short weeks. I was able to capture a few shots for his parents to show him one day. Here is my new favorite person, Alex.
wow! what a special gift to give!
ReplyDeleteYou done a fantastic job. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOh he is a tiny little miracle..beautiful shots!
ReplyDeleteWhat a miracle! I hope he gets to come home soon!
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful and special captures!
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm pregnant right now and this made me tear up a bit...sooooo tiny! Looks like he is doing well for being born so early:)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful captures. Made me cry!
ReplyDeleteLovely touching photos - they made me tear up too.
ReplyDeleteWow, you did a wonderful job! Hoping that the little guy gets to come home soon!
ReplyDeleteWOW, those are powerful images!!!
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful and sweet! I love them - thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletewhat a little angel!
ReplyDeleteOne of the top things I would like to photograph would be a live birth. Great work.
ReplyDeleteOh he's beautiful. Congrats to mommy and daddy.
ReplyDeleteWow, a miracle indeed!